
The Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia Participated to High-Level Events on Mobility and Environment

The first International Dialogue on Migration (IDM) session of 2021 took place virtually between 25th and 27th of May 2021. It offered delegates in New York, Geneva, and other locations worldwide a space to discuss some of the key dimensions of the migration, environment, and climate change nexus, linked to the broader implementation of global frameworks, such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Mr. Naser Nuredini, Minister of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia, took part at the panel on “Developing multi-stakeholder approaches to leverage opportunities and support the inclusion of migrants and internally displaced people to build a sustainable future”.

Moreover, during this year’s EU Green Week, IOM Regional Office Brussels with the support of the European Union organized the virtual event “Exploring the Relationship between Migration and Air Pollution in Europe” bringing together a diverse group of panellists to discuss how the EU, EU Member States and Governments from the Western Balkans, international financial institutions, and other partners could integrate migration considerations in the roll-out of the clean air initiatives.

Ms. Kaja Shukova, State Secretary in the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia was one of the four panelists, discussing the relations between the migration, air pollution and clean energy, drawing on examples from North Macedonia.

IOM North Macedonia in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia is implementing the project “A Systems Approach to Assess the Nexus between Air Pollution and Human Mobility in North Macedonia”, which is supported by the IOM Development Fund. The project will contribute to addressing the knowledge and policy gaps about the complex inter-linkages between human mobility, air pollution and clean energy. It will improve our understanding of the impacts of air pollution on different migratory population groups with a special focus on internal migrants, including female migrants, women staying behind and children.

Watch the virtual event “Exploring the Relationship between Migration and Air Pollution in Europe":
Watch the International Dialogue on Migration 2021:

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities