
Interview Techniques Identification of Children Victims

Ohrid - In July 2022, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior and National Coordinator of the “National Commission for Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration”, Ms. Magdalena Nestorovska, the State Counselor from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Ms. Elena Grozdanova and IOM North Macedonia Head of Office Ms. Sonja Bozinovska Petrusevska opened the 3-day training in Ohrid on Interview techniques for Potential Victims of Trafficking (PVoT) and Victims of Trafficking (VoTs).

The workshop was a follow-up activity to the ongoing IOM efforts to support the national capacities in addressing migrant smuggling and other transnational organized crime in North Macedonia, funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands. The three-day training targeted police officers and social workers who learned about the best practices and interview techniques to further enhance their professional work and service provision. The gender aspects in countering trafficking and smuggling were particularly considered and mainstreamed during the capacity-building training.


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SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities