IOM facilitates movement operations and pre-departure services, in liaison with concerned authorities in resettlement countries. IOM carries out “fitness to travel” health assessments when requested; facilitates and provides logistical support for visa processing; offers transportation services as well as other services related to refugee resettlement, in compliance with the agreements signed with immigration services in the respective resettlement countries. In specific cases, IOM is responsible for Pre-departure orientation (PDO) sessions prior to the movement. 

Additionally, the IOM mission in North Macedonia assists with voluntary returns of third-country nationals to their countries of origin. The process entails Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) outreach sessions, followed by an initial pre-screening interview for the applicant and, in case of eligibility, flight arrangements for the irregularly stranded migrants in the territory of North Macedonia. In case of a lack of travel documents, IOM helps the returning migrants with the facilitation of their issuance in coordination with the diplomatic missions of their respective countries of origin.