IOM in North Macedonia uses its extensive expertise and experience in this area both to provide support to the Government as well as the individuals and communities affected by crisis, and to actively contribute to the efforts to effectively address related challenges. 

IOM in North Macedonia supports the Government in meeting basic standards and providing improved living conditions for crisis-affected populations through supporting the provision of basic services in Temporary Reception Centers (TRC) such as ensuring adequate reception conditions, WASH, health care, including mental health and psychosocial support, education, protection assistance, and other services. IOM also mainstreams protection-sensitive procedures into Temporary Reception Centres and identification mechanisms of the most vulnerable groups in line with international standards. Populations affected by crises, including the most vulnerable groups, will be provided with access to knowledge and awareness of the available protection services they are entitled to. 

In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, IOM continues to support the Government in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 among migrants in TRCs through WASH renovation, spatial reorganization, provision of non-food items, distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE), intensive risk communication and community engagement (RCCE), etc.